Heat-Health Alert Yellow response

Published: 16 July 2024

YELLOW Heat-Health Alert - (Hot weather response) has been issued for the South East and is in effect between 18/07/2024 at 17:00 and 20/07/2024 at 23:00.

The Met Office, in conjunction with UKHSA, is issuing the following heat-health warning for our area:

General Overview - Minor impacts are probable across the health and social care sector, including: increased use of healthcare services by the vulnerable population; increase in risk of mortality amongst vulnerable individuals and increased potential for indoor environments to become very warm. But these are not expected.

We know that death rates rise soon after temperature increases, with many deaths occurring in the first one to two days, so swift action is needed now.

Heatwaves can be dangerous, especially for the very young or very old or those with chronic disease. Advice on how to reduce the risk either for yourself or somebody you know can be obtained from the NHS website at https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/heatwave-how-to-cope-in-hot-weather/ NHS 111 or from your local chemist.

Advice for the public on financial support and benefits can be found on the Government website and the West Berkshire Council website page: